Sunday, 16 February 2014

Power sunset

Texas Trends Up In Energy Output

With the introduction of Eagle Ford Shale, the state of Texas has the largest oil and gas development in the world. With this infusion of energy from such a massive, and multi-county, project, the state seems to believe that energy output must trend up to meet demand.

The Eagle Ford Shale project is creating jobs and infusing money into the Texas economy through the introduction of the project as it spurns on other industries as well. The project impacted the Texas economy at the rate of $60 billion and 116,000 jobs.

The expected six percent growth from year to year in just the Eagle Ford Shale area shows that the state knows it must produce in order to keep up with demand. However, the project also means that the state will receive economic impact for decades to come as the state works hard to keep power supplies up.

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